Friday, April 1, 2011

Apartheid Research Project

Since we have just finished reading Cry, the Beloved Country, we are somewhat familiar with what happened during the time period.  However, your task for your research project will be to discover whether or not Paton’s depiction of South Africa was accurate. 

Your thesis statement will be similar to the following: Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country is/isn’t an accurate portrayal of South Africa’s social situation during the time period that it was written in. 

For each source that we use, you will need to write facts on notecards.  The notecards need to be formatted according to how you’ve been instructed in class.  Each notecard should have the one fact, and a label from which source it’s from.

Your paper will be at least three pages long.  It should be typed, double-spaced or neatly handwritten in blue or black ink.  At the end of your paper, on a separate sheet, give credit to your sources.  We will be working on the bibliography together in class.  Be sure as you take notes, to record the source information (title, author, date of publication, place of publication, page numbers).  Then, I will help you put it into proper form in the classroom. 

You need to record the following information for each of your sources:
Type of source:
Place of Publication:
Date of Publication:

I expect you to have AT LEAST four sources. 

Your research paper will be due of April 20th. I will give you class time to work on your research, citations, and drafting of your paper, but you will need to take time outside of class to finish your work. 

**Any plagiarized papers will result in an automatic F and will be referred to the administration.

Here is a list of websites you might find useful in your research project:

Profile of South Africa- BBC News
South Africa- The Facts

The History of Apartheid in South Africa

You also will want to read the book: Nelson Mandela and Apartheid in World History, by Ann Graham Gaines